‍The Accounting Division of the Department of Agrarian Development comprises 4 main divisions as Finance Division, Payment and Summary Division, Salaries and Advances Accounting Division and Procurement Division. The Finance Division is responsible for the preparation of the annual budget, securing imprest requirements, carrying out necessary coordination with the Treasury and preparing the annual appropriation account. The Payment and Summary Division handles all payments of the Department, monitors payment related activities of the 25 district offices, combining monthly account summaries and submitting same to the Treasury and handles activities of general deposit accounts. The Salaries and Advances Accounting Division is in charge of the payment of salaries and advances of the head office and monitors the payment of salaries and advances of the 25 district offices and maintains the relevant records. The Procurement Division administers and supervises procurement and stores activities of the head office and the 25 district offices.


  • Duly maintaining daily, monthly and annual accounts reports in compliance with financial regulations, acts and circulars for the management of expenses authorized by the annual Appropriation Act.
  • Preparing annual income and expenditure estimates.
  • Management of assets.
  • Handling payments of salaries, loan advances of the head office and district offices, expenses including general deposits, capital and recurrent payment activities and managing expenses.
  • Appointing procurement committees of the Department and district offices and executing and supervising procurement activities.
  • Paying loans from the Advance B account of public officers and recovering such loans and maintaining records and accounts relevant thereto.
  • Preparing monthly and annual accounts of the Department and submitting them on time to the relevant institutions.
  • Presenting information required to be submitted to the Committee on Public Accounts and carrying out related activities.
  • Preparing annual budgetary estimates in respect of the Agrarian Development Fund, managing receipts and payments and preparing final accounts.
  • Replying to all audit queries addressed to the Commissioner General of Agrarian Development.

Staff Officers

dummy b

Mr. C. H. P. Liyanarachchi

Chief Accountant

+94 112 692 540

Name & Designation Division Tel No :
Mrs. D. D. Perera
Salary / Advance +94 112 674 482
Mrs. K.P.N.D. Karunasekara
procurement +94 112 674 480
Mrs. B. Purna
Payments & Summaries +94 112 681 837